By Eric C.
I think we all know that saying: “Girls like jerks”. Well, in writing for the school newspaper, I think I’d bring up a topic we’d really find interesting. Whether you’re a desperate guy who’s considering pitiful corruption, or a gal who’s just reading for kicks, this is one of those simple questions in modern-day teenage society that nobody ever bothers to answer. So do girls really like jerks? This is the big question, and thus I shall begin my investigation with a brief explanation of female and male psychology.
We can say that all human beings have a need to express themselves. In other words, we need someone to talk to, to spill the events of our day to: the anger, the joy, the sadness, the fear, the surprise. We need, as human beings, the opportunity to convey our concerns to our peers. But when it comes to girls, they seem to have an internal need for verbal communication that goes way beyond that of their boyish counterparts. Why else do girls congregate to engage in lengthly, non-stop conversations? Why else do girls tell their secrets so much more easily than guys do? Why else do girls plant hugs and kisses on each other when, for guys, a little praise and a nod of approval seems to suffice? It is because girls need to have a stronger sense of trust, and, ironically, it is in jerks that they find it.
I’d like you to first consider any “jerk” friends you may have. You know, the ones who are a lot more capable of being mercilessly insulting than random samplings from the average population. If you’re a little sensitive, then you might find this hard to follow, but for those who can take an insult and have the willpower to retaliate, you might realize that jerks, in general, are easier to approach and encounter than average human beings. Before you challenge my claims, let me tell you why they are so approachable. Jerks, because of their harsh attitude and expressive personalities, disarm the desire to use the manners and the carefulness that you would usually use with someone you respect. Why use manners when, to this person, they seem to be a foreign concept? Why be nice when their offensive behaviour shows that they, in turn, shouldn’t be offended by anything you say? Would you spend time thinking up something nice when something horrible is on the tip of your tongue? No, because in this case, there is absolutely no need. You too show no mercy around jerks, and with them, you can be that jerk you’ve always wanted to be. Therefore, clearly, jerks are easier to approach, easier to get to know, and because they’re less awkward to be around, they’re more interesting, whether you’re a girl or a guy. I think it is now that you begin to see the connection.
Now, let us not forget that girls themselves still need trust. And even when time and time again they find themselves attracted to a jerk and his methods, you very commonly see them break up, with the girl ultimately complaining about how she just can’t seem to find a nice guy. This is the turning point of my article. In truth, even if you can approach a jerk much more easily, he is still a jerk. A jerk, you’ll have to remember, will always be insulting, and even when the girl has had a bad day, the jerk won’t care and he’ll continue to be his horrible little self. I think what I’m getting at here, is that girls, by logic, really yearn for a nice guy who are there for them and keeps them happy while knowing that it is the nice guys they can trust. What I’m really trying to get at, is that even though a jerk may be more attractive, he won’t be there for his girlfriend when she needs him. Ultimately, my “thesis” here is that it is best for a guy have a few characteristics from both the good and bad sides. The most successful tip a guy could ever receive is to make sure his conversations stay natural and funny. If you’re a nice guy but you want to be a jerk just for fun, don’t cross the line; just treat a girl like you’d treat a close friend. Be obnoxious at times, but be yourself, and never, never, never be awkward. Of course, I’m not saying that being a nice guy won’t work, but if you start out as somebody with an edge, and then show her your true colours as someone who is truly dependable and caring, then you’ll have succeeded. In sum, be mysterious at the beginning, but be nice later on.
Eh-hem, so in conclusion, I suppose if you are a nice guy, don’t lose hope, because contrary to popular belief, you are really what a girl wants in life. If you just learn to tune it the right way and use a little practice, then you will go far; that, I guarantee.