By: Hailey S.
The Student Speak section allows you to gain a sense of what your peers at Western Canada High School feel about particular issues or activities that interest them in our school or around the community. Particularly, this article explores how four students felt when transitioning from junior high to high school!Question:
Has it been easy this year to make new friends at Western? Have you kept up previous friendships from other schools? How have you been introduced to new people? In your opinion, has everything gone the way you thought it would?
Alison D.
Matt A.
Graham G.
Danielle L.
Grade 11 Student- It’s been very easy for me to make new friends here. Everyone is so accepting and there are a lot of different groups so it’s easy to find new friends! I still have really strong friendships as well, from my other school, but I’ve met new friends mostly through other classes and through a lot of clubs throughout Western. There are a lot of clubs; it’s a great way of meeting people! I would say that so far, it has been a great experience for me at Western because everything has gone the way I thought it would!
From the voices of these four students, it seems that they all share the same positive attitude towards their experience at Western when it comes to forming new friendships so far. It definitely requires risk-taking skills to encounter new people; however, we all have the ability to break these barriers over which we evidently have in control. Once you venture out and take advantage of this new opportunity, it’s much easier than your mind may perceive. Make your Western Canada High School experience worth it, because seconds pass instantaneously and soon you’ll be graduating!