What clubs are you in right now? What for? What do you think about Western’s club selection? Should we have more or less clubs? If you can choose any club to be included in Western Canada, what would it be and why?
We should definitely have more clubs. I’d like to see some book clubs being added because I personally enjoy reading, and I think it’s always great to have a group of people reading the same book and have a lively discussion! There should be clubs that are similar to P.E because IB students don’t get the chance to take P.E in grade 11 or 12. There should also be clubs that allows students go to other student for help on homework.
I would personally want Design because it’s something that I’m interested in and I’d like to work with people who have the same interests as me. I want the club to be really broad so that it could include computer design or fashion design, and then there would be a lot more people who I will be able to meet and work with. I believe that students at Western should be able to recommend or put in their ideas for clubs so that the administration can see what the students want.
There should be more clubs! Western has an extremely diverse population, and we all have many different interests. Clubs should be there to give the opportunity for students to show their talent. As well, it can also show students that there are other people out there who might share the same interests as them!
I don’t have a particular one that I think should be added, but clubs that other people are interested in should be included.