By Jillian K.
We’ve been hearing about the Apocalypse all year, and the day is almost upon us! So just what is supposed to happen, and why?Some people believe that on December 21st, the earth will collide with Planet X (also known as Nibiru), destroying Earth’s delicate ecological balance and all life, save the cockroaches. However, Planet X has never been sighted, and at this stage in the game, if it did, in fact, exist, it would likely be visible to scientists. Others claim that Earth will undergo geomagnetic reversal (the magnetic field would flip 180 degrees). However, scientists say that even if that did occur, it would not prove fatal. Others say that Nostradamus predicted the end of the world, but this is becoming less and less plausible as his vague prophecies continue to lose credibility, and regardless, no such prophecies concerning the upcoming day have been specifically identified as of yet.
Another theory suggests that abnormally large solar flares will engulf, and subsequently incinerate the planet. But solar flares have been happening for years, and result in nothing more than an interruption in satellite communications. Scientists agree that this point in the 11-year solar cycle is typically one of heightened activity, but any flares that happen to be directed at Earth are deflected by our magnetosphere (resulting in the beautiful aurora borealis and aurora australis). So if invisible planets or centuries-old horoscopes fail to give proof, what’s all the hype about?
Many believe that the Mayan calendar has predicted the end of the world. The Mayans followed two calendars. There was the Tzolkin, a short, 260-day calendar that regulated religious ceremonies and divinations throughout the year. The second calendar, called the Haab, was 365 days long - 18 months of twenty days each plus 5 “unlucky” days. This calendar was used to regulate agricultural events, such as plantings and harvests. The Mayans used these two calendars to create varying series of longer counts. One of these long cycles is going to end on the 21st.
Considering its accuracy in predicting various astronomical events down to the day, the Mayan calendar theory is arguably the strongest. However, there are also other signs that seem to point to the end of the world. For instance, the fact that the 21st is the winter solstice is valuable to some people. From an astronomical angle, the 21st is a rare day where Earth and the Sun will line up with the centre of the Milky Way galaxy. While many see 12/21/2012 as the end of the world, others view it as a day that will usher in the beginning of a new era for mankind.
The sum of these theories has been said to add up to something like this: aliens made the Mayan calendar to warn us Earthlings of the lineup of several cosmological bodies, which apparently would result in a powerful beam radiating from the “Galactic Centre”, which would affect our minds in some great and terrible way (grant us omniscience, lobotomize us, etc.) and possibly cause devastating physical changes on the planet. Chaos will ensue.
Are YOU ready?