Monday, May 12, 2014

Biking - The Superior Mode of Transport



By Emma G.

Spring is upon us, and the warm weather seems to be lingering. Now is the perfect time to pull out your bike, and take the time to enjoy the outdoors. It may seem daunting at first, but is worth the effort in the end.

First of all, there is the common idea about helping out the environment. In 2010, Alberta had an average of 63.4 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions per person. That is a huge amount compared to the rest of Canada.You should do your part, no matter how small, and reduce green house gas emissions. It is a small step towards a better future. No matter where you stand on global warming, the fact remains that fossil fuels negatively impact the earth. With less cars on the road you reduce pollutants in the air. That can not only help prevent climate change (with lower carbon dioxide emissions) but improve the health of those around you with better air quality. The European Cyclists Federation (yes it exists) claims that even with taking into account production, emissions from bicycles were ten times lower than the average car. Biking is a great habit to start early.

If you live close enough to school, it is a great way to get exercise. There is low pressure put on joints, and you strengthen your core, back, and especially legs. Biking is an activity for everyone no matter your level of fitness. You pick your speed, your route, and the amount of work you want to do. It is cardiovascular and gets your heart pumping-and your heart is a muscle the needs to be regularly exercised. Biking is an investment-and one that will pay off in the long run.

Generally, I find that biking puts a smile on people’s faces (minus up hills and  rainy days). Birds chirp, and there is plenty of fresh air. You get outside, and it feels great. Why not enjoy spring?

Western Canada High School is also trying to encourage you to bike to school. This Thursday, or May 15, the Western Canada Environment Club will host it’s Annual Bike to School Day. A pancake breakfast will be given to those who bike, and prizes will be given out to the best decorated ride. For those who are concerned with thefts and the safety of their bike, Western has a bike lockup in the courtyard to protect bikes.

Biking is different for each and every person, and there will be different things for different people enjoy.  H.G. Wells once said, “When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race.” As high school students, we are soon to be considered adults (legally at least). I applaud those who already bike, and I encourage others to give biking a try. What will biking mean to you?
