Monday, April 14, 2014

Everything and Nothing

Drama Spring Production Premieres April 15th


By: Molly D.

If you are not familiar with the wonderful work of Western Canada’s Drama department, here is your chance to experience the upcoming spring production, Everything and Nothing. Every year, the Drama department performs two productions, and their rendition of Macbeth drew hundreds of students to the theater this last fall. Western Canada’s drama program is a nationally recognized theater program, and is the pinnacle of our fine arts programs. The Drama department has a history of creating quality theater pieces, and it would be a shame not to view one of their productions.

 This year’s spring production is not only is an interesting addition to all the exceptional work that the drama department has created, but a piece that students at Western Canada High School will find relatable. Everything and Nothing follows a number of high school students from an unnamed school during their after-grad celebration. The play tackles some difficult subjects, such as substance abuse, identity issues and mental disorders. The production takes a serious look at some of the struggles that everyday students aren’t comfortable talking about. Often we see these issues make appearances in TV dramas and in movies, but seeing the struggles that everyone faces on a smaller scale erases the stigma of these subjects from our minds.

When a topic is blown up as it is in movies and television, when the identity of a character revolves around their bulimia or addiction, we forget that they are more than their disorder. Many students struggle with eating disorders, mental disorders, bullying and substance abuse, but we so often group them as ‘the girl with anorexia,’ or the ‘boy with depression,’ that we forget about the person dealing with the disorder and instead focus on their disorder instead of them.

 In Everything and Nothing we see characters that parallel ourselves, and reflect our growth through our years at high school. No one leaves high school the same as when they first started, and with the diverse Drama 30 cast, there’s a relatable character for every student.

Our talented Drama students have put incredible time and effort into this year’s spring production, and for many of them, this will be the last high school production before they graduate themselves. Almost every actor performing in Everything and Nothing has worked hard for the last three years to better themselves as an actor and perfect theater, and nothing will showcase their growth and talent like this production.

The play’s matinee is on April 15th, and then will be performed at 7:30pm April 15th, 16th, and 17th. If you haven’t already purchased your tickets, they can be purchased at lunch by the theater or at the event for 10$ a seat. The Drama department is excited to perform, and hopes to see the students of Western Canada interested in their local arts programs. All their hard work will be open for every student to watch, and if you have any additional questions, please inquire at the Theater about Everything and Nothing.