By: Maja D.
On April 24th 19 students from Denmark will visit Calgary to attend the International Youth Leadership Summit that will take place at Robert Thirsk High school from April 24-26. April 27 they will have the day of with their host families. April 28 they will come visit Western Canada High School to learn more about the Canadian school system and experience a high school. For a lot of the Danish students that’s a big experience because the Danish school system is different than the Canadian so the only experience they have with the high school culture is what they have seen in American movies.Not a lot of Danish students gets the opportunity to visit a Canadian high school so it will probably be a experience they will never forget. Also the Canadian culture is quit different from the Danish so hopefully they will get an insight in the Canadian culture when they stay with their host families. On April 29th they will get a tour around the city where Mr. McGuinness and Mrs. Muhlberger will show them around and go for lunch at the Danish cultural club. April 29 they will go for a 3 days trip to Banff. The Canadian landscape is also really different from the Denmark. The mountains are something the students are used to seeing either. The students will leave Canada May 2.
Western Canada High School is looking for host families for the Danish students. It would be a great opportunity for you to get to learn more about the Danish Culture while you are showing your new Danish friends the Canadian culture. If you are hosting you would usually have two students to stay at your house if your family only have room for one that can be arranged too. If you are interested in being a host Family for the Danish students please go to Mr. McGuinness for more information.
There will also be a tour to Denmark in October 2014. Grade 10 and 11 students are invited to join the tour where you will get the opportunity to go experience the Danish culture and their school system. The students who choose to host will be given priority when selecting students to travel abroad to Denmark. It would be great experience to travel to Denmark and learn about the Danish culture. You will be visiting the Danish Capital Copenhagen too, which is a really nice city famous for it’s history, pretty buildings and fashion. Copenhagen is on the biggest Island in Denmark so it has the ocean around and a view to Sweden. See Mr. McGuinness to apply to travel to Denmark ASAP.