By Ankita K.
Are you looking for a job career? Well, be careful because in just two decades your job probably won’t exist anymore. According to Forbes, we will be seeing some very drastic changes in the job market.If you were going to build a career in banking, then you should reconsider, because in twenty years there won’t be a need to deal with paper money, as people will rely solely on credit and on digital money. A career in the Post Office is also not a very good option, for most people will be using email in the future. Other jobs that will most likely disappear in the future are: a grocery store cashier, a film processor, a union organizer, a miner, and a fighter pilot.
The question is, what careers will still exist in two decades? It is certain to say that some jobs will always be in demand. For example, working in a barber shop can be a long-lasting career, and tax collecting is a very sustainable choice. Some more suitable jobs are: a mortician, a politician, an artist, and a religious leader.
But, in two decades there are also going to be new jobs created. As computer technology develops and more alternative energy sources are being explored, people will have more career choices and opportunities. A gene screener might come in handy in the Gattaca future. Maybe scanning genes will become a daily routine for job interviews or in increasing work productivity. However, there are more plausible jobs that can be created in the future, such as a hydrogen fuel station manager. Hydrogen can be cost-competitive to gasoline if refueling stations are mass-produced, according to a study conducted by the Ford Motot Company. Employees of those stations would need different skills than workers at current gasoline stations. Other possible jobs are: a quarantine enforcer, a drowned city specialist, a teleport specialist (yes, there might be teleporters in the future!), a robot mechanic, an animal guardian, a dirigible pilot, and a space tour guide. Just keep in mind that these are all predictions and it’s not guaranteed that people will take tours to space! So, don’t waste time preparing yourself for a space program.
In the future, a lot of new jobs will be created, while some will disappear, but it doesn’t mean that current jobs won’t exist anymore. On the contrary, a lot of today’s jobs will still exist in the future; they just won’t be in the same form. Educators will always be in demand for shaping new minds with knowledge and experience, but teaching may be different in the future from how it is now. In twenty years, we may wake up and not recognize our fast changing world!
For full job lists click here.