Chief Editors.
Hello readers!
We are excited to present to you this year’s first edition of the Western World Newspaper! As you might see, this year’s newspaper is in the form of a blog. We will be keeping the same sections as last year, with the addition of the Advice and Foods sections. Here is a comprehensive list of all the sections:
- News
- Arts and Entertainment
- Sports
- Columns
- Career Pathways
- Student Speak
- Showcase
- Clubs
- Food
- Advice
- Fun Page
- Lighter Side
We’d also like to acknowledge our teacher sponsors, Ms Arndt and Mr. Harker, as well as the Western Canada Photography Club, which will be partnering with us this year to provide pictures for articles.
Traditionally, the Western World was published as a printed newspaper five times a year. Last year, we upgraded to an electronic system, but found that the large time difference between writing and publishing proved to be inefficient. Thus, for the 2011/2012 school year, we have decided to post three sections every Monday in a rotating schedule in order to provide you with more up-to-date news and articles.
We look forward to an exciting new year of writing, reading and sharing. Please feel free to comment on our posts and to voice your own opinions!